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Sports day for the boys

The absolute most hectic time of day for me starts at 5.45 am to roughly 6.50 am when we all eventually get into the car with simple expectations of dropping them off at school. It begins with me waking kids up one by one, starting off with a gentle shake, a kiss here and there and gradually getting more intense the longer they take to awake and repeat and repeat.  

There are three boys here, 1 in preschool and 2 in middle school. So now it is a mad rush to get dressed in their uniforms consisting of trousers, a plain white undershirt, a sweater or vest depending on the weather, and a tie with socks and shoes. Now that is a mountain in my book for three boys who persist in being unorganized even with all my assistance.


Always prep uniforms the night before. 


Depending on the level of laziness and or remembrance the night before it is usually sorted out in the open, ready for the morning. Their meals are also on the menu for the day, everyday lunch and breakfast. 

Just like the uniforms, the night before is the absolute best time to prepare meals but when it is not done, it is madness come morning. I do try my hardest to have as complete a meal as possible. For instance a sandwich, a snack ( 1 day a sweet snack next day not) two different fruits, and a fruit drink. 

Always  best to prep lunches the night before.

My lil guys looking sharp-ish/ Full uniform


So let us eat. But while breakfast is being made I demand their bags and all necessary daily tools are packed and double-checked. Homework is sorted and sports day utilities are also packed and ready for transport.

 Breakfast is now ready. I would be so lucky if all three boys wanted the same thing to eat, a bit of early morning negotiations ensue with children who are partially zombie-like, who do not want to be up because it is way too early followed by I do not want anything to eat.    


It always helps to have multiple breakfast ideas in advance. 


The truck is warmed up and we proceed simultaneously out of the house. One of them forgets something then another then they all end up back inside the house. Right about now, I am praying for patience because these children will need a different source of transportation this morning.

They return finally “Sorry Dad” with a mischievous smile as they climb into the truck. Finally, the end is near, it is about a 10-minute drive to the school where there is usually a line of cars dropping off their children.  Colegio Firenze, one of the better schools here, I must say is exceptional in more than a few ways. Returning back home and getting a few things done, at least that is how it feels, it is time to pick them back up again and repeat.

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